What is Love?

When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together… that it is inconceivable that you should ever part…because this is what love is.

Love is not breathlessness. It is not excitement. It is not the desire to mate every second of the day.
it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every part of your body.

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O God, what a fine chap You are!

“Christians have become dramatic with us,”wrote Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, a leader of the underground church in communist Romania. “When Christians in free countries win a soul for Christ, the new believer may become a member of a quietly living church. But when those in captive nations win someone, we know that he may have to go to prison and that his children may become orphans or homeless or both. The joy of having brought someone to Christ is always mixed with this feeling that there is a price that has to be paid.”

“When I was still living behind the iron curtain, I had met a Russian captain. He loved God, he longed after God, but he had never seen a Bible. He had never attended religious services. He had no religious education, but he loved God without the slightest knowledge of Him. Continue reading

Learn to Appreciate

Even though the routine of my job often is monotonous.
Thank you Lord, for the opportunity to work.
There are many who have no job.

Even though I keep my eyes closed against the morning light.
As long as possible. Thank you Lord that I can see.
Many are blind.

Even though our breakfast table never looks like the pictures
in magazine and the menu is at times unbalanced.
Thank you Lord for the food we have.
There are many who are hungry.

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God’s Thermal of Encouragement

Many of us have experienced that low spiritual valley where we thought the sun would never shine again.Some were sent quickly into the valley by a very specific event.Others drifted slowly to the bottom and can’t say by what path they arrived.In either case, we wandered in this gloom until something began to lift us to new heights.

Isaiah 40:29-31, “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

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A fellow had just been hired as the new CEO of a large high tech corporation. The CEO who was stepping down met with him privately and presented him with three numbered envelopes.

“Open these if you run up against a problem you don’t think you can solve,” he said.

Well, things went along pretty smoothly, but six months later, sales took a downturn and he was really catching a lot of heat. About at his wit’s end, he remembered the envelopes. He went to his drawer and took out the first envelope. The message read, “Blame your predecessor.”

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Chicken or the egg

Why the sun lightens our hair,but darkens our skin?

Why women can’t put on mascara with their mouth closed?

Why don’t you ever see the headline ‘Psychic Wins Lottery’?

Why is ‘abbreviated’ such a long word?

Why is it that doctors call what they do ‘practice’?

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavour, and dish washing liquid made with real lemons?

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The Tale of the Two Seas

Sitting in the Geography class in school, I remember how fascinated I was when we were being taught all about the Dead Sea . As you probably recall, the Dead Sea is really a lake, not a sea (and as the Geography teacher pointed out, “if you understood that, it would guarantee 4 marks in the term paper!”)

It is so high in salt content that the human body can float easily. You can almost lie down and read a book! The salt in the Dead Sea is as high as 35% – almost 10 times the normal ocean water. And all that saltiness has meant that there is no life at all in the Dead Sea . No fish. No vegetation. No sea animals. Nothing lives in the Dead sea.dead_sea_by_david_shankbone.jpgAnd hence the name: Dead Sea.

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Someone Tell Uhuru Kenyatta‬

Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta

President Uhuru Kenyatta

When I see how ‪#‎SomeoneTellUhuruKenyatta‬ is trending, it’s clear that the terrorists are winning. Kenyans are not complaining, they are scared. Terrified.

You can call it what you want but when you don’t know if your daughter is safe in that school bus or whether your son will come back home after that school trip, or worse, if you will get home from work, you get scared. Its getting to that point where you can’t watch the news with your kids present.

Its human to pass blame. How do you tell the family of that guy who died in the matatu blast yesterday that the father is to blame for not taking security seriously? C’mon, all the poor man did was board a bus in town after a long hustle in town. Someone is to be blamed yes, but not the dead guy, after all he is dead.

So believe what you want, call me names all you want, but I am scared. And I can only find strength in numbers. If the majority are crying #SomeoneTellUhuruKenyatta, then that is what I will do. If that will give me some sense of security. The knowledge that I am not alone in this.

Is it darkest before dawn? I would want to believe that. Will things get worse before they get better? I dread that thought.

If it is not a grenade, or a rowdy group of terrorists holding us hostage, it will be a crazy driver trying to make the most of trips who’ll throw us into a ditch, or a street kid (have you seen how many street families are in town now?) who’ll jab my stomach with a screw driver in the CBD because I don’t want to part with my 1000/- phone. I have just received a 227/- MPESA from my bro as fare to go home so before you tell me my life is worth much more, tell me how I’m meant to get home, so NO, I’m not giving them my phone. Will this ever end?

Okay, now I’m just blabbing.

Bottom line is, #SomeoneTellUhuruKenyatta is not for cry babies, it is the cry of scared Kenyans who want to see something being done differently. Not the same statement being edited and some fancy words being added.

Where is your faith Kenince? Yes, there is that. My faith is stronger than ever, but our children don’t have that kind of faith yet. I don’t know how I would answer if my son/daughter asked me, “Dad, why did God allow that to happen?”. May God grant wisdom to the parents.
What I intend to do is even as I pray that you and I be kept safe, I’ll pray that you don’t lose sight of the cross. Death is guaranteed. There’s no disguising that. Could be right after reading this line, or maybe you will live to see a reformed police force in Kenya, but whenever that will be, try to maintain a right relationship with Christ.

So there you have it, I have joined those crying #SomeoneTellUhuruKenyatta because I want him to know that the terrorist didn’t just threaten me, they’ve acted and scared me. The onus is upon him if I am to feel safe again in this country.

And to my Christian friends, why can’t ‪#‎PrayingForKenya‬ be a continuous trend at all times? I am not a bigwig, so I can’t cause anything to trend, but I’ll do what I can in my own small way.

@Kenince E’m is #PrayingForKenya “Our Father…”


The little old couple walked slowly into McDonalds that cold winter evening. They looked out of place amid the young families and young couples eating there that night. Some of the customers looked admiringly at them. You could tell what the admirers were thinking.

“Look, there is a couple who has been through a lot together, probably for 60 years or more!”

The little old man walked right up to the cash register, placed his order with no hesitation and then paid for their meal. The couple took a table near the back wall and started taking food off of the tray.

There was one hamburger, one order of french fries and one drink. Continue reading